The Counselor


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The Counselor

INFJ Enneagram

Have you taken the Enneagram test and are an INFJ personality type? If you are, I'll venture a bet that you are an Enneagram Type 4. Despite the fact that the Enneagram employs a completely different model of personality typing than the 16-type theory developed by Briggs and Myers, many INFJs appear to be Enneagram Fours or Ones. However, this does not rule out the possibility of an INFJ Enneagram type 6 or 7. Let's not read this article to learn more about the various INFJ Enneagram types.

I. The overview of INFJ Enneagram

Until now, we've examined the INFJ personality type through the Myers-Briggs framework. The MBTI describes how your mind functions and how it processes information.

As an INFJ, for example, you prefer abstract knowledge over tangible facts. You value ethics/meaning/worth more than pros/cons and reasoning. You obtain your energy from the inner world of thoughts and ideas (introversion) and respond to your environment in an orderly, planned, and determined manner (Judging).

Even if all INFJs have similar brain wiring, this does not imply that they all think in the same manner. Some INFJs are meticulous workaholics, while others are gloomy daydreamers. Which sort of INFJ you are is mostly determined by your enneagram type.

The enneagram depicts nine possible kinds and their intricate interactions. These kinds describe our fundamental motivations, anxieties, wants, limitations, and strengths. More information about the enneagram may be found here.

This post will merely scrape the surface of the INFJ Enneagram and how the many kinds might manifest themselves in your life. Each enneagram type, for example, has an inclination that influences how they manifest. Each enneagram type has a wing that influences how the type manifests itself.

Please keep in mind that the INFJ personality type is commonly associated with the enneagram categories listed below:

  • INFJ Enneagram Type 1;

  • INFJ Enneagram Type 2;

  • INFJ Enneagram Type 4;

  • INFJ Enneagram Type 5.

II. The INFJ Enneagram with 9 Types

1. INFJ Enneagram type 1

A sizable proportion of INFJs categorized as 1 on the Enneagram (Type 1 with a 9 wing: 36 percent ; Type 1 with a 2 wing: 64 percent ). Though the 1 type is most usually linked with the auxiliary extroverted thinking/tertiary introverted feeling axis, the combination of dominant introverted intuition and auxiliary extroverted feeling might represent many type 1 qualities.

INFJ Enneagram type 1 persons are very analytical about the world and society they live in, always looking for ways to better the way things are done.

They are likely to be especially consistent with social rights concerns and to be zealous advocates for the causes they believe in. When it comes to their big picture ideas, they are frequently relentlessly perfectionistic, as nothing ever works quite as well as they imagine it to.

Nonetheless, the INFJ Enneagram type 1 remains steadfast in their principles and causes at all costs. These people frequently claim feeling connected to a higher force or a purpose bigger than themselves, to which they must devote themselves and their life. This might be a spiritual force or merely a strongly felt connection to the basics of human suffering in the case of the INFJ.

At their core, type 1 INFJs think that they are only worthy if they are morally upright and decent. They are continually shifting from sentiments of corruption to feelings of justice and virtuousness. Their dependence on introverted intuition makes them most comparable to the INTJ, yet more loud type 1 INFJs may be mistaken for extroverts as well.

INFJs believe it is their responsibility to better the world and overcome moral difficulties. They are thorough and hardworking, yet they are frequently troubled by a sense of not being "good enough." They have an inner critic who tends to bring out not just their own defects but also the flaws and deficiencies of others.

They frequently felt as children that they had to explain their existence or that they had to take on a lot of responsibilities at an early age. Ones, more than many other kinds, felt pressured to mature rapidly, and they frequently believed it was their responsibility to become hyper-responsible and sensible rather than enjoy the whimsical and carefree nature of youth.

These INFJs will appear more realistic and grounded than the average INFJ. This is because the INFJ One values realism and common sense.

2. INFJ Enneagram type 2

A sizable majority of INFJs classified as type 2 on the Enneagram. (Type 2 with one wing: 40%; Type 2 with three wings: 60%). Because the 2 type is associated with the INFJ's auxiliary function extroverted emotion, this type combination is unmistakable.

INFJ Enneagram type 2 persons are highly loving and caring, always wanting others around them to feel safe and supported. These INFJs are especially prone to appearing significantly more extroverted than they are, since they tend to overstretch themselves socially in order to assist all of their loved ones.

Because their sense of self-worth is dependant on how much they are loved by others, these INFJs may provide and seek more validation than their type 9 counterparts.

This personality type is continually shifting away from sentiments of futility and toward feelings of love and connection. Its extroverted feeling function is likely to be very developed, and they are most similar to their extroverted counterpart, the ENFJ.

On the other hand, they may feel pride because they believe they are so needed by others. However, that sensation of pride is fleeting, and there are often underlying sentiments of humiliation, loss, and hurt that go unresolved.

As INFJ Enneagram Twos improve their health, they learn to deal with their guilt. They learn that it is acceptable for them to care for themselves, as well as their own feelings and needs. They become more cheerful, modest, and calm as a result of this realization. They no longer feel the need to earn affection because they realize they are sufficient as they are. Intuition becomes more prevalent in their life, and they grow more perceptive, self-sufficient, and inventive.

3. INFJ Enneagram type 3

INFJ Enneagram Threes are adaptable and motivated, and they are more action-oriented than many other INFJs. They aspire to success, achievement, and perfection. They are tremendously driven to invest energy into their ideas and objectives because they want to make their fantasies a reality.

These INFJs are determined not to be "nobodies," whether they are making a name for themselves in academia or earning honors for their artistic endeavours. They utilize their intuition to navigate through life deliberately and achieve the greatest amount of achievement. They utilize their emotional side to "sell" themselves or to understand what people want and desire.

4. INFJ Enneagram type 4

A sizable percentage of INFJs chose 4 as their Enneagram type (Type 4 with a 3 wing: 26 percent ; Type 4 with a 5 wing: 74 percent ). Though the 4 type is most firmly linked to the introverted feeling cognitive function, it is possible that the combination of introverted intuition and extroverted feeling might imitate Fi in many aspects, resulting in the type 4 INFJ.

Because the INFJ personality type is so uncommon, many INFJs grow up without having encountered another person like them. As a result, individuals may start to rely their whole identity on the fact that they are unlike everyone else - a feature that is central to the individualist personality type.

The INFJ Enneagram type 4 is likely to stand out academically, taking pride in studying, reading about, and comprehending the world in a more sophisticated manner than those around them.

This type may have difficulty exercising their extroverted feeling function because their individualistic nature keeps them from disclosing too much of themselves to others, worrying that they would be misinterpreted and perceived in a way that is counter to their genuine self.

At their heart, type 4 INFJs feel that they are only worthy in the sense that they are intriguing and one-of-a-kind. They are continuously shifting from sentiments of worthlessness to feelings of distinctiveness. They are most similar to their Fi-dominant counterparts, the INFPs.

Fours belong to the enneagram's Shame/Heart triad. The INFJ Enneagram Fours dive into their embarrassment. They find it very hard to escape their emotions — in fact, they may purposely elicit familiar sentiments, even if they are uncomfortable or painful. Fours desire intensity of emotion because they believe it will bring them closer to their actual essence.

5. INFJ Enneagram type 5

A sizable percentage of INFJs chose 5 as their Enneagram type (Type 5 with a 4 wing: 74 percent ; Type 5 with a 6 wing: 26 percent ). The 5 personality type is most closely associated with the INFJ's tertiary function, introverted thinking, but it also appears to be associated with their dominant function, introverted intuition.

INFJs of type 5 are considered to be more serious and reserved than their type 2 or type 1 counterparts. Because they live largely in their introverted intuition, they will most likely delay acting in most circumstances until they have properly evaluated it from every available viewpoint. As a result, they may see their outgoing personality to be a blind spot for them.

Type 5 INFJs feel that they are worthwhile in the sense that they are competent and capable. They are continuously shifting from sentiments of powerlessness to feelings of comprehension. They are the most like their thinking relative, the INTJ.

Fives belong to the enneagram's fear/head triad. They frequently try to confront their worries in their own alone. In the privacy of their own room, kids may draw drawings of frightening monsters that frighten them or read stories about horrific occurrences that make them anxious.

6. INFJ Enneagram type 6

The INFJ Six has far-reaching visions of the future, including all of the disasters they anticipate will occur. They may have nightmares concerning global warming or whether or not there is an afterlife. 

Their intuition is powerful, and they utilize it to anticipate consequences, hazards, and existential possibilities. These people are known as loyalists because they are devoted to their friends and views, even if those convictions include that everything should be questioned.

7. INFJ Enneagram type 7

This INFJ has a strong desire for adventure. People with the INFJ Enneagram type 7 are all about potential, opportunity, pleasure, and new experiences. These INFJs may appear to be less introverted than the average INFJ. They are frequently more in tune with their inferior sense function than the average INFJ.

These INFJs use their intuition to predict occurrences, formulate ideas, and assimilate information and potential consequences. They dream big dreams for the future and can't wait to see them come true. Because of their excitement and fun-loving disposition, these INFJs may appear to be mentally swift and agile at first. They can, however, become so preoccupied with staying active and finding happiness that they become scattered, hedonistic, and excessive.

8. INFJ Enneagram type 8

INFJ Enneagram Eights desire to be able to stand alone, have control over their life, and achieve their goals. They are incredibly motivated, resourceful, and determined to achieve their goal and mission. They don't want to be indebted to anybody, emotionally vulnerable, or dependent in any manner.

Autonomy and independence are essential to their pleasure; the difficulty is that they may resist being vulnerable so much that they miss out on rewarding relationships as a result. These people want a sense of urgency in their life. Whether it's racing a race car or starting their own business, they like proving doubters wrong and putting their talents and capabilities to the test.

9. INFJ Enneagram type 9

INFJ Enneagram Nines have the potential to be among of history's greatest spiritual seekers. INFJs are inherently visionary, inventive, and perceptive, and these qualities come naturally to them. They are usually in touch with their intuition and feeling functions, anticipating potential conflicts, perceiving emotional upheaval and anguish in others, and listening with insight and understanding.

INFJ Nines suffer because they prefer to disregard the upsetting aspects of life in order to live in peace and comfort. They have a tendency to embrace proverbs, sayings, or clichés that soothe them when they need to act, stand up for themselves, or even vent their wrath.