The Doer


estp-A / estp-T

The Doer

ESTP Compatibility & Relationship

I. ESTP compatibility  

The ISFJ or ISTJ are the ideal matches for an ESTP. These personalities complement each other well because they both value spontaneity, adventure, and enjoyment in their lives. They work well with ESFP, INTP, ENTP, ESFJ, ESTJ, INFJ, ENFJ, and ENTJ personality types. These people are able to satisfy at least some of their primary desires.

The INTJ, on the other hand, is the worst possible companion for ESTPs. This personality is too introverted, which clashes with the ESTP's desire to participate in group activities.

II. ESTP compatibility in Romantic Relationships

Strengths are brought to a loving partnership by ESTP MBTI types including:

The ESTP is a fun-loving and pragmatic partner. ESTP partners are hedonistic and flirty, and they want to keep things interesting. They are frequently seeking excitement and, like a playmate, will tag along for the voyage.

ESTPs have little time for deep talks or emotional introspection, preferring to keep things light and exciting. They are usually concerned with their partners' bodily requirements, but they may overlook their partners' deeper emotional ties. Serious conversations regarding sentiments rarely pique the interest of the thrillseeking ESTP.

ESTPs are efficient, bold, and direct with everyone they encounter. They do not squander time or communicate in a hazy manner. They are recognized for their candor and perceptive criticism, which many people appreciate. Entrepreneurs are not scared to express their actual feelings and do not attempt to sugarcoat truth.

ESTP MBTI types may struggle in love relationships for the following reasons:

Because ESTPs think and respond rapidly, they might become easily annoyed by slower thinkers. This is especially true for people who lack common sense or make decisions based on emotions.

Entrepreneurs do not feel it is worthwhile to consider other people's emotions since it is too taxing for the ESTP. Entrepreneurs will disregard any statements based on feelings or intuition if they get into a debate.

Boredom is the nemesis of ESTPs, who prefer a dynamic and adventurous existence. However, there will surely be less thrilling times in life that ESTPs may struggle to appreciate. When a relationship gets boring, ESTPs experience a considerable reduction in energy. They lack the patience to stand by their lover in such situations.

III. ESTP compatibility relationship with all types

1. ESTP compatibility with personalities similar to them

People of the following personality types are more likely than others to share the ESTP's values, interests, and overall outlook on life. They may not always agree on everything, and there's no guarantee they'll always get along, but they're more likely to have a good connection and a lot in common.

  • ESTP compatibility with ISTP

ISTPs are more inclined to trust ESTPs who are willing to listen to their thoughts. ESTPs should also be cautious not to overwhelm ISTPs by recognizing when they require alone time. ESTPs may find it simpler to trust ISTPs who can express their wants clearly and participate in light banter.

Except for Extroversion/Introversion, ESTPs and ISTPs have the same tastes. They are both Sensing and Perceiving types who make logical judgments. The fundamental difference is that the ESTP personality type seeks adventures and takes chances fearlessly, whereas ISTPs love being in the center of the activity for a short period of time before withdrawing to their inner world. However, ESTP partners may assist ISTP types in breaking out of their shells and being more assertive.

  • ESTP compatibility with ESTP

Because they are both outgoing, enthusiastic, charming, and adventurous, ESTPs will have a great time together. They both like taking chances and will go into dangerous exploits with boundless energy and excitement.

ESTPs are recognized for their self-assurance, which means they will not be swayed by the unfavorable comments of others. As a result, they will understand each other without having to share much personally, and if they do disagree, they will be able to work through conflicts without too many bruised emotions.

As action-oriented personality types, two ESTPs may create an effective team focused on swiftly solving real-time challenges. An ESTP duo will have no trouble convincing other team members to follow their example and complete the task quickly if they are self-assured and persuasive.

  • ESTP compatibility with ESTJ

Team members with ESTP and ESTJ personalities can get along like a house on fire if they focus on the traits they have in common and strive to compromise on their differences.

Both ESTPs and ESTJs bring realistic, reasonable decision-making to the workplace; however, ESTPs add flexibility and optimism to the mix, and ESTJs add organization and tenacity. ESTPs can assist ESTJs in thinking on their feet, whereas ESTJs can assist ESTPs in setting and achieving large goals.

  • ESTP compatibility with ENTP

Emotions are handled in the same way by both ESTP and ENTP personalities: they are minimized. They like being in the middle of the action and sharing their infectious excitement with others - until they become bored.

They will plunge into another fantastic adventure without looking back once this occurs. However, practical ESTPs may struggle with the intuitive side of the ENTP; ENTPs prefer to spend time discussing abstract notions, which may not seem relevant to an ESTP at first.
As a result, ESTPs may need to be more patient with their ENTP partner's thought process if the relationship is to succeed.

2. ESTP compatibility with personalities that are slightly different from theirs

People of the following personality types are likely to find the ESTP to be similar in personality, but with certain major distinctions that may make them appear exceptionally fascinating. People of this sort may be extremely fascinating and appealing to the ESTP. Relationships between ESTPs and these personalities should have a healthy mix of similarities and chances to challenge one another.

  • ESTP compatibility with ISTJ

Despite the fact that ISTJs and ESTPs have Sensing-Thinking inclinations, ISTJs are highly reserved, hardworking, and conservative types who prefer to remain behind the scenes. To the joyful and energetic ESTP, all of these features may be interesting and even strange.

ISTJs are more inclined to trust ESTPs who can keep their promises and achieve their own goals; ESTPs should be courteous and trustworthy around ISTJs. ESTPs are more likely to trust ISTJs who spend time with them and engage in conversation; ESTPs will feel more connected to ISTJs after they establish personal relationships.

  • ESTP compatibility with ESFP

Extroverted, Sensing, Perceiving (ESTP) and Extroverted, Sensing, Perceiving (ESFP) personalities are both people-oriented, pragmatic, and flexible. When speaking with ESFPs, ESTP personalities should employ a pleasant, easygoing tone. When conversing with ESTPs, ESFPs should avoid utilizing emotive language.

Coworkers that are ESFP or ESTP may make excellent colleagues. Both personality types are concerned with finding practical solutions that would yield immediate benefits. Furthermore, they will inspire others to put up their best efforts and achieve established goals as swiftly as possible. Action-oriented ESTPs, on the other hand, prefer to move rapidly through the working process, focused entirely on the objective.

  • ESTP compatibility with ENTJ

Despite the fact that they only have the Extroversion and Thinking inclinations in common, it appears that ESTPs and ENTJs may create effective partnerships. Both personality types are forceful and self-assured, always eager for new challenges. Furthermore, the ESTP and ENTJ will not have communication problems because both kinds want to express themselves bluntly and directly.

  • ESTP compatibility with ENFP

ENFPs may teach their ESTP partners how to manage their emotions and communicate with others more considerately. Simultaneously, active ESTPs who dislike wasting time may teach intuitive ENFPs how to improve their time management and prevent procrastinating.

Furthermore, because their shared Extroversion and Perceiving inclinations provide them with common ground in social interaction and responding to the environment, ESTPs and ENFPs may form an excellent match if they work on their differences.

3. ESTP compatibility with complementary personalities

ESTPs may not have an initial connection with the following personality types, but as they get to know each other, they'll likely discover they have some significant things in common as well as some things to teach each other. Although persons of these kinds may not immediately attract the ESTP, their interactions have a great deal of potential to complement and learn from one another.

  • ESTP compatibility with ISFP

ISFPs are shy, introverted people who are committed to their loved ones. They are people-oriented and profoundly committed to their ideals. As a result, ISFPs are likely to struggle with criticism. Because of their major Feeling inclination, they may be easily injured.

These traits may contrast with the action-oriented and risk-taking ESTPs, who are self-assured extroverts. Even in love relationships, ESTPs are talkative and straightforward, and they may unintentionally harm their ISFP partner's feelings.

As a result, both participants in this relationship must devote time and effort to make it work. ESTPs must wait until a reserved ISFP decides to welcome them into their world.

Furthermore, ISFPs are more inclined to trust ESTPs who are attentive to their emotions and let them to operate autonomously. ISFPs should express themselves more logically with ESTPs since ESTPs trust ISFPs who can be direct and avoid extreme emotional reactions.

  • ESTP compatibility with INTJ

INTJs are more inclined to trust ESTPs who can follow through on their promises; ESTPs should be courteous and dependable around INTJs. ESTPs are more likely to trust INTJs who spend time with them and express honest, straightforward ideas; ESTPs will feel more connected to INTJs after getting to know them.

INTJ persons will provide a fresh, often radical viewpoint to the team as imaginative types who like wrestling with novel issues. They, like ESTPs, will love tackling challenging challenges but, owing to their introverted character, will retire after the action has ceased. At work, ESTPs and INTJs may get along if they strive to embrace various approaches to issues and see it as a crucial part of getting the job done.

  • ESTP compatibility with ESFJ

The ESFJ personality type is people-oriented as well as action-oriented, with a strong sense of obligation. As a result, they will tend to do their best and assist others in practical ways while avoiding overly emotional involvement. As a result, they may get along well with ESTP types, who like to demonstrate their concern for others by addressing their practical needs.

Because ESTPs and ESFJs are both loud, straightforward, and honest, these two personality types will have no trouble expressing themselves. However, because of their Feeling preference, ESFJs may take criticism personally, thus ESTPs will need to learn how to interact while avoiding offending their emotional ESFJ partners.

  • ESTP compatibility with ENFJ

ENFJs who are energetic and outspoken are exactly what ESTPs are seeking for. ESTPs regard their partners as playmates, with whom they may have fun while avoiding negativity as much as possible. The ENFJ admires the extroverted personality of the ESTP; they both like socializing and are likely to have a lively social life as a pair.

4. ESTP compatibility with opposing personalities

People with the following personality types have the most potential for personality clash and conflict with the ESTP, but also the greatest possibility for progress. Because these people have fundamentally different beliefs and motives than ESTPs, it may appear hard to communicate at first. However, since they are so unlike, their strengths are the ESTP's weaknesses, and if they can form a connection, they may learn a great deal from one another.

  • ESTP compatibility with ISFJ

ISFJ people are reserved, diligent, and devoted. They are also kind, people-oriented individuals who appreciate their values. As a result, the ISFJ, as an ordered, solid introvert, is likely to conflict with an ESTP, who is risk-taking, lively, and extroverted.

ESTPs should be patient by providing ISFJs with the space and support they require to be honest. ISFJs should express themselves directly and let ESTPs to work out the matter methodically.

  • ESTP compatibility with INTP

INTPs may appear distant due to their excessively rational, reserved, and autonomous personalities. Their worldview is based on reasoning, and they prefer to spend their time solving challenging logical issues rather than socializing. For all of these reasons, ESTPs (who prefer adrenaline-pumping hobbies and social engagement) may be hesitant to begin a relationship with an INTP.

  • ESTP compatibility with INFP

INFPs are often quiet and emotionally intuitive, whereas ESTPs like being among other people and expressing themselves directly and rationally. INFPs should be forthright and honest with ESTPs, whereas ESTPs should support and validate INFPs.

Furthermore, INFPs are adaptable individuals who thrive when given the opportunity to exhibit their ideas. If ESTPs can blend their practical side with INFPs' adaptability and inventiveness, these two may function effectively together.

  • ESTP compatibility with INFJ

Because of their differing demands in a relationship, ESTP and INFJ aren't naturally compatible: The ESTP does not enjoy serious talks and prefers to avoid emotionally sensitive personalities such as the INFJ. In general, the ESTP need a playmate – someone to go on adventures with.