The Visionary


entp-A / entp-T

The Visionary


Extroverted, intuitive, thinking, perceiving, and turbulent personalities are referred to as ENTP-T. Turbulent Debaters is another name for them.

I. ENTP-T meaning

The ENTP-T is a turbulent debater. They are a subset of the main ENTP. This variation is typically more laid-back than the standard ENTP. They also have distinguishing characteristics that set them apart from forceful ENTPs (ENTP-A).

There is a significant overlap between the Turbulence notion and the Big Five domain—Neuroticism. Individuals with a high Neuroticism score are more nervous, sad, moody, self-conscious, and/or emotionally volatile than those with a low Neuroticism score.

The T function in the ENTP-T personality type refers to tumultuous debaters. They are prone to unpleasant emotions, seldom seek aid from others, and attempt to handle them on their own. They are self-conscious about their appearance and rely on others for acceptance and affirmation. As a result, they have a lot of self-doubt, especially when they fail, and they constantly criticize themselves. They can develop a Ne Fe Loop if they have difficulty controlling their emotions and adjusting to life's stressors.

As a result, it's easy to see why the concept of Turbulence may be a good description for this aspect of personality. Following are some examples: Depressed people are less likely to be active and driven. When a person is nervous or self-conscious, he is less likely to assert himself confidently. When a leader is temperamental and unpredictable, she is less likely to be an effective leader. (ref: personalityhunt)

We might foresee how the ENTP-T would struggle even more with follow-through. Because of their erratic nature, the ENTP-T may lack the fortitude or perseverance to persevere when things are rough, instead hopping from one job, endeavor, or relationship to the next. Others may accuse them of being fickle, never satisfied, or lacking patience or perseverance.

Of course, some volatility is to be expected from any perceiving (P) type. Once their initial interest or passion in something has gone, P types find it difficult to persevere and follow-through. As a result of favoring both extraversion and perceiving, the ENTP has some amount of both assertiveness (A) and turbulence (T).

Are you an ENTP-T? Figure out by doing this test!

II. ENTP-T Characteristics

1. Introvert

ENTPs are generally thought to be introverted extroverts. The ENTP-T, on the other hand, is even more introverted. They are the epitome of introverted extroverts. In fact, the ENTP-T is frequently misidentified as the INTP or INTJ.

ENTP-Ts will spend more time alone, and they will love it. This, they believe, allows people more time to follow their individual interests.

2. Emotions

People that are ENTP-T are more in tune with their emotions. They realize that identifying and sharing a bit of how they feel allows them to connect with people more effectively.

As a result, ENTP-Ts tend to ruffle fewer feathers than ENTP-As. Instead, ENTP-T people will employ deception and covert ways to persuade and earn the trust of others.

ENTP-Ts have more control over their extroverted emotion functions, which they may utilize to deadly effect.

Turbulent Debaters are more eager to discuss them with others and commit more effort to actively coping with their negative emotions.

Turbulent Debaters are more likely than Assertive Debaters to claim they try hard to control their concerns, worries, and moods. Turmoil may provide an opportunity for this personality type to engage in healthy self-examination and growth.

3. Dealing with Insecurities and Anxiety 

Individuals who are ENTP-T are more likely to cope well with insecurity and anxiety. The average ENTP will have difficulty simply identifying their sensations. When they do, they may be able to divert their attention away from it.

ENTP-T persons, on the other hand, are more inclined to consider their sentiments. This may allow individuals to recover from really challenging conditions faster than their rivals.

ENTP-T may be even more "perceiving" and have much more difficulties with follow-through. Because of their erratic nature, the ENTP-T may lack the stamina or fortitude to persevere when things are rough, instead hopping from one job, activity, or partnership to the next. Others may accuse them of being fickle, never pleased, or lacking patience or perseverance.

Turbulent variations are also more prone to respond to failure with verbal defensiveness or blaming themselves or others, as well as to respond to criticism more aggressively.

The T function in the ENTP-T personality type refers to tumultuous debaters. As a consequence, such people frequently crave the attention and praise of others. They have moments of self-doubt and are frightened of being rejected. They make an attempt to communicate about their feelings with others and to process their unpleasant sentiments. They are more prone to concerns, bad sentiments, and anxieties, and as a result, they must do more effort to control them. They are quickly aroused and might feel envy and rage.

4. ENTP-T and their image

ENTP-Ts are more concerned with their image than the average ENTP. As a result, individuals may do things to appear good in public or with others. When taken to its logical conclusion, the need to seem attractive, whether physically or intellectually, can drive ENTP-Ts to be people-pleasers.

ENTP-Ts are more prone than ENTP-As to have this issue. Regrettably, Turbulent Debaters are more likely to struggle with poor self-perception. They are less likely to feel happy with their entire lives or even with their physical looks.

5. Dealing with Stress

Debaters are known for their adaptability, and Assertive Debaters are somewhat more inclined to feel that stress aids concentration. Stress might be difficult for ENTP-T people to manage. When confronted with stress, their initial reaction is to panic and get dejected.

This is in contrast to the core ENTP, who can easily wave aside anxiety. When faced with hardship, ENTP-Ts are more likely to get disappointed or concerned.

It's worth noting that these two personality types react to stress in quite different ways. Assertive Debaters are more prone to engage in physical activity as a kind of release, whereas Turbulent Debaters are more likely to be talkative than normal.

Turbulent individuals are considerably less likely to believe that they can effectively manage stress in their lives, and they are far more likely to make steps to avoid it.

While the Turbulent personality characteristic may cause some persons to be self-conscious, Debaters of both Identities have a typically comparable boldness and optimism. Surprisingly, it is the Turbulent who are less likely to seek help, perhaps out of fear of seeming weak.

It's also worth mentioning that, as compared to Assertive Debaters, Turbulent Debaters are far more likely to say that negative emotions limit their ability to think clearly and far less likely to start responding in control of what happens.

6. Communication

Direct communication is important to ENTP-Ts. As a result, they want their partners to state the problem unequivocally. This is typically the best strategy while dating an ENTP in general.

ENTP-T personalities are outgoing and have strong social skills. They are adept at connecting with others and participating in group discussions. They like engaging with all sorts of individuals and use their fast thinking to make the discussion more pleasurable. They like discussions and thrive on a war of wits.

This can result in disputes, and circumstances can quickly devolve into confrontational and hostile. They think about the future and come up with many ideas, but they rarely act on them. ENTP-Ts are more inclined to focus on overall impressions rather than specifics. They want to leave their choices open before making a decision. They despise structure, time management, and planning. In a nutshell, people favor inventiveness.

Growth is important to ENTP-Ts. ENTP-Ts desire to be in a relationship that is always growing. As a result, they desire to see their partners grow as persons. While less flighty, ENTP-Ts will quit a relationship that does not provide opportunities for advancement.

ENTP-Ts are also ENTPs. As a result, they are always up for an adventure. They will be grateful and adore you much more for it.
Everyone knows how much the ENTP enjoys a good discussion. They do, however, develop a more pleasant personality with the ENTP-T. They are less inclined to initiate a heated debate just for the sake of it. They are more likely to agree with their spouses on the majority of topics.

7. Routine

ENTP-T personalities, on the other hand, have flaws. ENTP-Ts despise routine. They want to experience a sense of aliveness in their relationship. If you enjoy having a routine, the ENTP will not survive long in a relationship with you.

They can be abrasive, which strains their relationships. On top of that, they may be insensitive. They are easily distracted and detest structure, regularity, schedules, and being disciplined. They show their disgust when someone attempts to control them.

ENTP-T types detest routine and scheduling at work. They become easily bored when their employment follows a structured structure or strategy. They do not follow the regulations because they find them tedious. They want for adventure and independence. As a result, they do well in jobs that allow them to express their creativity and provide possibilities for social engagement and excitement.

III. Career Choices

ENTP-Ts thrive in jobs that require creativity and mental dexterity. While this is true, they may not be interested in some job possibilities that the ENTP-A is.

ENTP-Ts need solitude and time away from frequent engagement. This generally has an impact on their job choices.

It is also critical that they have flexibility and independence while working. They will not thrive in an extremely regimented atmosphere.

Best Careers for ENTP-T:

  • Corporate Lawyers;

  • Psychologist;

  • Writer;

  • Professor;

  • Software developer;

  • Architect;

  • Financial Analyst.