The Visionary


entp-A / entp-T

The Visionary


Every barrier presents an opportunity for the ENTP-A personality. Unforeseen events cannot readily derail them.

I. ENTP-A meaning

The assertive ENTP is ENTP-A. They approach life in a much more straightforward manner. This is evident in the majority of their decisions and choices.

The cognitive functions of ENTP-A and ENTP-T are the same. The sole distinction between these two sub-types is their outlook on life.

As extraverts, all ENTPs are naturally aggressive to some level. According to Colin DeYoung, a “Big Five” personality researcher, assertiveness is one of two major “meta-traits” of extraversion (the other being Enthusiasm). As a result, adding the A variable to the ENTP (or any extraverted type) appears a little superfluous.

Assertiveness entails having a "strong personality," being active / proactive, and zealously pursuing one's goals or aspirations; others refer to it as being a "go-getter." On an individual basis, assertiveness includes having the bravery and confidence to voice one's opinions and to take the initiative when appropriate.

With this in mind, the ENTP-A personality type is not just forceful in interpersonal situations, but also proactive and daring in general. As a result, this personality type is more likely to take on leadership responsibilities, whether as an entrepreneur, journalist, politician, college professor, or other.

The ENTP-A does not fear taking chances or facing new problems; in fact, he or she thrives on them. While other kinds may crack under pressure, people of this type are certain that their quick wits will help them handle whatever new problems come their way. Indeed, some people may purposefully take risks in the hopes of increasing the intensity or excitement in their life.

Do you identify as an ENTP-A? Find out by taking this test!

II. ENTP-A Characteristics

1. Being extremely Logical

By nature, ENTPs are extremely rational individuals. They have little regard for traditions and want to do things their own way. While this is true, it is considerably more pronounced in ENTP-As. Because this type is considerably more likely to speak up and be counted, their communication is frequently rude and harsh.

This might be a positive thing in situations that call for such directness and candor. It may, however, be a disadvantage if friends and loved ones feel awful about it.

2. Dealing with Anger

ENTP-As are less prone to become irritated than other ENTPs. One major explanation for this is because they are just disconnected from their emotions.

As a result, ENTP-A may not take harsh remarks to heart. This makes it difficult for an ENTP-A to harbor a long-held resentment towards another person.

This difference in confidence has an impact on how Debater personalities interact with others. Debaters aren't usually concerned with their emotions. Identity, on the other hand, has an impact on disputes. Most Debaters like being provocateurs in general, but Turbulent Debaters are more quickly provoked to rage, jealously, or envy. While Assertive Debaters' self-assurance aids in their stability, they are willingly fiery but less reactive.

3. Being more extroverted

The ENTP-A personality type is more outgoing than the ENTP-B personality type. As a result, although ENTPs are often introverted extroverts, ENTP-As are more social and extroverted. Individuals with the ENTP-A personality type like engaging with a wide range of people. They are excellent conversationalists who like engaging others in arguments.

ENTP-As like being with other people, especially if they can engage in a conversation or argument about something that interests them. They are typically relaxed and easy to get along with. They might, however, become so engrossed in their ideas or goals that they lose sight of their personal connections.

This is one of the most common reasons why some ENTPs are mistaken with ESTPs.

4. Being more adaptable

While ENTPs are recognized for being more adaptable and impulsive, ENTP-As take it to the next level. Because ENTP-As are typically comfortable in their own skin, they are more ready to accept new challenges. They are brave in their decisions, especially if they believe they would benefit from it.

This makes individuals far more ready to go for what they desire, even if others are skeptical. They are willing to battle for their goals and frequently have a more “go-getter” attitude toward things.

They aren't afraid to dive in headlong when they want something, and will instead take the risk than pull back. They are far less prone to doubt themselves when it comes to pursuing their goals, and as a result, they do not become bogged down in over-analysis to the point of being unable to go ahead.

This characteristic can have both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, this makes the ENTP-A a strong personality type. Organizations will want to have them on their team since they are capable of filling a variety of roles.

On the other side, due of this trait, many ENTP-As cease planning ahead. This might result in decreased production and quality.

5. Risk-taking

The ENTP-A personality type is supposed to be not just forceful, but also proactive and adventurous. As a result, this personality type is more inclined to take on leadership positions. The ENTP-A is not afraid to take chances or face new difficulties; in fact, he thrives on stress and danger.

This sort of ENTP would rather try new things and risk everything not working out properly. They are not perfectionists; rather, they are people who like soaking up great experiences and want to truly learn from them.

They don't need everything to go exactly as planned, especially if they can get something more important from the chaos. The ENTP-A personality loves letting things become a little sloppy and would rather not stress about perfection when they may experience things directly without frequent and tiring preparation.

6. Confidence 

ENTPs are often optimistic people. They have a tendency to see the positive side of situations, which may be contagious.

This characteristic is more prevalent in ENTP-As than in other ENTPs. They are self-assured and charming individuals. As a result, they are extremely convincing in debate. They are also well-liked. It is not unexpected that ENTP-A persons are often highly popular or well-known.

The ENTP-A is considerably more confidence in themselves and their skills, and they are not hesitant to take risks as a result. They know what they are capable of and are eager to get started. They are self-assured when it comes to handling command of a matter and will not second-guess themselves.

They also understand that they can handle the issue and frequently fix the issue without much difficulty. They utilize their wits and their intuition to guarantee that things are done correctly. They are ready to step in and take command of the issue, jumping right into the conversation or dispute.

Debaters are recognized for their flexibility, and Assertive Debaters are slightly more likely to believe that stress helps them focus.

Debater personality types can be extremely stubborn and competitive in general, however, Assertive Debaters are less prone to feel irritated when someone else is superior at something. Their self-assurance lasts longer, even when their success or dominance is questionable.

7. Spontaneous relationship

Individuals with the ENTP-A personality type want to be in a spontaneous relationship. Relationships based on regularity and predictability do not appeal to an ENTP-A or ENTPs in general. They are impulsive people who like trying new things without having to plan ahead of time. They are prepared to take a few chances in life and are not frightened of the consequences.

Part of this stems from their own self-assurance and capacity to believe in themselves. They are prepared to take risks in order to discover the truth and fully immerse themselves in it. They are typically at ease with this since they have faith in their capacity to adjust to any changes that may arise.

8. Communication

ENTP-As are self-assured and aggressive individuals. They prefer direct communication. This, unfortunately, is not true for all MBTI types. 

Some people like to take their time processing how they feel. When dealing with persons who are not direct, ENTPs frequently exhibit a great level of frustration. This may put a lot of strain on their relationship if not handled appropriately.

This is the more self-assured and powerful ENTP you encounter, not the ones that avoid conflict or hide from circumstances. They are less affected by external stimuli and prefer to stay calm and collected. Even when things appear to be overwhelming, they are not scared of the tension and rather than take it one step by step.

III. Career Choices

ENTP-As thrive in jobs that allow for a lot of creativity and flexible working hours. In general, ENTPs do poorly in highly organized environments.

It is also critical that the ENTP-A has a strong love for the career or profession in which they find themselves. They may grow bored and go to the next professional route if they do not have this enthusiasm.

To get the most out of the ENTP-A, they should be put in jobs that allow them to be creative and inventive.

Best Career Options for ENTP-As:

  • Litigation Lawyer;

  • Entrepreneur;

  • Psychologist;

  • Financial Analyst;

  • Graphic Designer;

  • Historian;

  • Editor;

  • Blogger.