The Thinker


intp-A / intp-T

The Thinker

INTP Enneagram

You have a wonderful opportunity to learn more about yourself when you study your personality type and the nine INTP Enneagram kinds that may match it.

I. The overview of INTP Enneagram

The Enneagram pulls out, inhibits, and controls an INTP's abilities. For example, the INTP Enneagram type 1 becomes perfectionistic simply because they are unable to be content with the answers and things they make since they are not generating something rational. They're making what the public wants rather than what they desire for themselves. Alternatively, the INTP Enneagram type 6 does not believe in their own judgment and authority. They think that in order to fully achieve in their theoretical endeavors, they must rely on others.

The INTP is always concerned about losing people and, as a result, losing their capacity to fulfill the goal. They have not yet fully individuated as an INTP. They may, however, liberate themselves from restricting ideas and completely trust in their abilities.

Please keep in mind that the INTP personality type is commonly associated with the enneagram categories listed below:

  • INTP Enneagram Type 5.

II. The INTP Enneagram with 9 Types

1. INTP Enneagram type 1

The INTP Enneagram type 1 is all about seizing chances and making the most of everything life has to offer. However, the INTP Enneagram type 1 becomes so engrossed in hypotheticals and what-ifs that they lose their precision. INTP-1s may have feelings of discontent and rage if their surroundings gets too chaotic and their life begins to spiral out of control. 

INTP Introverted Thinking focuses on the specific meanings of words and how each individual component fits together inside an idea.

INTP Enneagram type  Ones are typically moral theorists who concentrate on certain aspects of a theory rather than looking at it as a whole. They serve as troubleshooters in some respects, pointing out where an ethical system fails. They are also acutely aware when someone is acting hypocritically.

2. INTP Enneagram type 2

The INTP Enneagram type 2 is all about leveraging their problem-solving skills, as well as their accuracy and precision in identifying what is wrong and what can be better, to assist others. The INTP-2 has a high feeling of self-importance in their work since they know exactly how they can assist others.

However, the INTP Enneagram type 2 experiences frustration, weariness, and stress as they continue to try to assist others but see little progress. Others do not take the INTP-2's advise seriously, and they continue to make the same mistakes despite being informed how to avoid them.

3. INTP Enneagram type 3

This INTP Enneagram type 3 will produce more Fe than other kinds. They will desire to gain public recognition, prizes, or other socially acknowledged kinds of achievement in their industry. People with INTP Enneagram type 3 are likewise prone to meticulous effort and are less likely than others to hurl their ideas into the world without Si-driven detail-focus since failure and/or half-baked hypothesis would jeopardize their personal image.

4. INTP Enneagram type 4

There is a significant problem with INTP Enneagram type 4 turning their judgment on themselves. When the INTP examines oneself from the idea of Introverted Sensation ("Authenticity"), they are often overcome with the the feeling that they have a defective character or identity. As INTP, they believe there is something wrong with them. A propensity to linger on previous traumas and experiences might contribute to this sense of being of poor character. They may even believe they are unsuitable for other individuals. This might lead to envy: a desire to be as excellent as other people and fit in.

5. INTP Enneagram type 5

The vast majority of INTPs choose 5 as their Enneagram type, which they completely understand (Type 5 with a 6 wing: 45 percent ; Type 5 with a 4 wing: 55 percent ). This is hardly unexpected given that this type is associated with the INTP's primary function of introverted thinking.

This type's strong desire for independence and isolation pushes them away from others and may forego deeper human relationships, out of 5 and inferior Fe discomfort with intense emotions in oneself and others; they frequently take an avid interest in and try to perfect useful knowledge in many different areas, seeks security in routine, and are prone to severe hoarding/holding onto things long past their 'expiration date.

The INTP personality type and the 5 Enneagram type both want to comprehend the world around them as accurately and logically as possible. Both types are recognized for their innate skepticism of the physical world that surrounds them - believing that nothing can be verified to be real until it is first studied, tested, and Type 5 INTPs with a 4 wing place a significant emphasis on their extroverted intuition as well as introverted reasoning. They are driven not just to identify how things are, but also to constantly ponder how things could be. They are frequently intensely creative and receptive to bizarre notions and concepts.

This type is enthralled by reality's apparently limitless bombardment of possibilities and wishes to investigate as many of them as possible. When compared to their 5w6 counterparts, they may be more inclined toward recreational drug usage. This kind may have the most in common with INFP than any other.

Type 5 INTPs with a 6 wing place a greater emphasis on introverted reasoning and sensing than on extroverted intuition. While they do utilize Ne to examine many possibilities, they prefer to focus on what is accurate and true rather than continuously investigating what may be.

This type is more concerned with security than its 5 wings 4 counterparts and may prefer more established and secure job options. This type takes special effort to ensure that they always have access to the most accurate and trustworthy information from the most trustworthy sources. This personality type may be the most similar to the INTJ personality type.

Finally, INTP Enneagram type 5 persons feel that their expertise determines their self-worth. They are continuously progressing away from the ignorance and toward comprehension.

6. INTP Enneagram type 6

People with INTP Enneagram type 6 are super-analytical and disconnected, wanting to connect to a society through common values (low Fe), but are dubious, distrustful, simple to read beneath the surface and assign motives to others or second-guess their associations, and are often loyal to former philosophies or spiritual beliefs (faith, science, nationalism, family, etc) as a security checkpoint. They will also read up on a variety of topics in order to "prepare themselves for the worst."

The desire for harmony might lead to haggling and attempting to persuade others to understand their point of view. Confront their worries and doubts as an INTP-6, and understand what they can achieve if they trust their abilities more.

7. INTP Enneagram type 7

"Because everyone already believes I'm the terrible person, I may as well simply do this," the INTP-7 may reason. The INTP Enneagram type 7 may also feel compelled to live a forward-thinking life, doing whatever it takes to go ahead, even if they are unsure if it is the correct thing to do. Gluttony, as well as a sense of never having enough, are frequently at the heart of this. This emotion is often alleviated when the INTP-7 recognizes the worth and significance of what they have. This is accomplished by emphasizing their cognitive function more.

And these people appear to be more extroverted, or they may desire to have a better grasp with lower Fe, but they are also capable of pushing away from it and refusing to cope with their unpleasant sentiments.

8. INTP Enneagram type 8

The INTP-8 personality type is extremely ambitious and perfectionistic. INTPs may find themselves tugging on the Enneagram 8 at the price of losing time for self-reflection and introspection when they are in a position of authority and responsibility.

INTP-8s believe they must always have the correct solution and that it must be available instantly, yet this is not how an INTP works best.

Their approaches, ideas, and innovation can come to provide tremendous gifts to the world, but the INTP-8 frequently does not know if their solutions will work out. INTP-8s are fixated on being correct right away, but when questioned about their answers, they get nervous and furious.

9. INTP Enneagram type 9

The combination of the two (INTP and Enneagram type 9) here is extremely powerful, as the two personalities join together to form a powerhouse that strives to comprehend how the world works and what lies ahead for them in the future. They desire to see the larger picture and will work hard to grasp the significance that they must have in life. They are not scared to attempt new things but prefer to play it safe and may be more fearful of turmoil or conflict than the other personality types that comprise this combination.

This personality type is so scared of confrontation that they will spend a significant amount of time planning how to avoid it. They will also become upset easily if they believe they have offended someone and will consider ways to make them feel better. At the same time, this individual is quite creative and may come up with unique and intriguing ideas!

This type of person is less likely to communicate their more contentious views, may rely significantly on lesser Fe validations, and may attempt to copy others while feeling uneasy about whether they are doing it correctly.