The Mastermind


intj-A / intj-T

The Mastermind


We'll look at the defining characteristics of the INTJ-A working and social environment, as well as their attitude toward themselves and others.

I. INTJ-A meaning

The identity characteristic distinguishes two varieties of INTJs: assertive and turbulent. The primary distinction between INTJ-A and INTJ-T is apparent in how they communicate their aspirations, deal with unexpected changes, and connect with others.

INTJ-A is the self-assured logistician. They are a subtype of the INTJ. These people have all of the traits of an INTJ. They will, nevertheless, be forceful in their attitude to daily life.

INTJ-As are typically excellent achievers who like analyzing and discovering new things. However, in addition to the four qualities that clearly differentiate them from the other personality types, there is another component that crystallizes their character – the identity trait – Assertiveness.

Despite their introversion and sensitivity, INTJ-A persons are also J types. According to type theory, this implies they extravert their judgments, which is why they are often perceived as forthright and opinionated by others. We can see why many INTJ-A persons would test as assertive since they don't hesitate to communicate their opinions and views firmly and immediately.

Although INTJ-As may lack some social confidence, particularly when it comes to making small conversations, they are usually fairly secure in their intellectual abilities. As a result, anytime a conversation goes to knowledge or theory, the INTJ feels at ease and eager to participate.

Even teenage INTJ-As aren't hesitant to participate in adult conversations if they believe they have something valuable to offer. INTJs perform well in interviews for similar reasons, since they are sure that their knowledge and intuition will provide insightful replies.

INTJs who score higher on the assertive scale are more self-assured and resistant to stress. INTJ-As are more satisfied with themselves and confident in their skills than other INTJs. While this is beneficial to their mental health, it might lead to

INTJ-As not always pushing themselves at work and being unmotivated to develop.

II. INTJ-A Characteristics

1. More Extroverted

INTJs are extreme introverts. This typically indicates that they like their alone time and acquire energy when they spend extended periods of time alone.

The INTJ-As, on the other hand, will be much more extroverted. They will be self-assured and able to hold their own amid extroverts. The INTJ-A is frequently mistyped as an ENTJ. Nonetheless, the INTJ-A is a natural introvert. As a result, they still require a significant amount of alone time.

Assertive Architects are the most difficult to approach, especially if the person with whom they wish to connect has nothing interesting or great to contribute. They are put off by mundane tasks, regular people, and gossip, therefore they avoid them at all costs.

2. More Confident

Assertive architects are more self-assured, and even when faced with uncertainty, they are ready to take chances without consulting or asking others. INTJ-As, on the other hand, will be a lot more comforted and confident in themselves. They will feel they can scale and appear less passionate than their opponents.

INTJs are caring individuals. They want to ensure that they did a decent job. INTJs are frequently typing 5s with a type 6 wing. This indicates they are concerned about things like performing a poor job.

While this may make them appear more confident, it frequently exposes them to additional errors. As a result, an INTJ-A is frequently less thorough or careful than an INTJ-T. That's the price they pay for being more self-assured.

3. More Impulsive

INTJs are excellent thinkers. Before making a decision, they frequently consider all options. INTJ-As, on the other hand, are typically more impulsive in their attitude to life.

They will also be more inclined to work on initiatives that interest them. In general, INTJs will deliberate about decisions for a lengthy time before acting. Things are a lot easier for an INTJ-A.

Even when confronted with the unexpected, INTJ-A retains their inner serenity and seeks alternate solutions. Many people mistake this apathy for a lack of concern for important issues, although this is far from the case. Simply said, assertive INTJs are better at defocusing and thinking outside the box.

4. More Decisive

While INTJ-As might be impetuous, they also have an advantage. They have a lot more clout. They have a tendency to make decisions and then act on them. This implies they are constantly in charge of their life, which may be a significant advantage for them.

The disadvantage of this is that being too determined too fast may cause them to overlook any loopholes that may affect their judgments. The key to achieving this right is to maintain a sense of equilibrium.

To INTJs, societal standards and social acknowledgment are practically meaningless. Assertive INTJs, on the other hand, discard them in a more direct manner, from their job environment to their relationships.

5. More Opinionated

INTJ-As have strong values and opinions. In fact, the majority of INTJs do. INTJ-As, on the other hand, are more inclined to express their views. As previously said, they are more outspoken and are not scared of public scrutiny.

The INTJ-A will also be more likely to engage in debate. As a result, some INTJ-As may mistakenly identify as ENTP or INTP.

6. Direct Communication

Assertive INTJs are more reserved and difficult to approach than other types. They seldom engage in open conversation and almost never solicit ideas and concerns. This is mostly due to their strong self-esteem and severe introversion. They are more self-sufficient and have a smaller group of close pals.

INTJ-As want open, honest communication with their partners. They want to know whether there is a problem and how to solve it. Passive-aggressiveness is not an option for this personality type.

Genuine discussions are essential for intuitive types, as they are for most other kinds. They want to discuss the world with you. So brace yourself for lengthy discussions on pretty much anything. If they are with a partner, INTJ-A require mental stimulation.

7. Emotions 

Assertive INTJs look emotionally uneducated and detached. They prioritize logic and facts in their functioning and find it difficult to explain or appreciate emotions as a solitary motive for doing. This, however, makes them look haughty and coldhearted, despite the fact that they are filled with sentiments that yearn to come to the surface.

INTJ-As might be inconsiderate to their partner's feelings. They, like the typical INTJs, are obsessed with logic and approach relationships in the same way. If they inadvertently harm their spouse, this might put a strain on their relationship.

8. Independence

Assertive Architects are more inclined to take a more autonomous approach. A higher proportion of Assertive Architects describe feeling at ease with authority individuals than their Turbulent colleagues.

These Assertive personality types may not be as inhibited by concerns about how others may see them, perhaps leading to a more autonomous attitude. Assertive INTJs are extremely self-sufficient and rely heavily on their talents. They seldom question their judgments and tackle challenges in a highly logical and reasonable manner.

Assertive Architects pride themselves on their independence in all aspects of their lives, from their job to their personal lives. While it has problems, the autonomy they boast about offers them a sense of superiority and control, which gives them confidence.

Assertive INTJs, on the other hand, are less inclined to accept guided directions and requests due to their autonomous attitude. They are hesitant to comply with the demands of the government, making teamwork and collaboration impossible.

9. Dealing with change

The somewhat more daring Assertive Architects are likely to feel more able to deal with whatever life throws at them, particularly in terms of tactics and decision-making. They are more prone than Turbulent Architects to believe that poor luck has a good side effect. Things are rarely so bad for these people that they can't manage them. They may desire stability, but they are unlikely to fear disruption.

However, when it comes to purposeful change, Assertive Architect personalities might be a touch more inflexible than their Turbulent counterparts. While they can be imaginative and forward-thinking, they may regard more ordinary things as great as they are, with little need to change anything on a practical basis. They may lack the motivation for improvement behind their desire for change and may not see the necessity to make minor changes to a system.

III. Career Choices

Assertive INTJs are more self-assured and less meticulous. They instill trust and confidence in others, and they frequently select occupations that offer them adequate time and space to devote to their inner world of creation.
The INTJ-A personality type thrives in jobs that involve creativity and in-depth understanding. They are solution-oriented and will frequently approach any challenge with insight and accuracy. Make certain that they understand their position in the organizations in order to get the most out of them. INTJs can also be their own employers and work on their own.

Assertive INTJs should search for occupations that are tough enough to keep them engaged while picking a profession. Accounting and auditing, scientific and research, system engineering, system data development, IT data development, industrial engineering, and IT employment are examples of such jobs.

Here are some of the best careers for INTJ-As:

  • Lawyer;

  • Mathematician;

  • Top executive;

  • Political scientist;

  • Entrepreneur;

  • Judge;

  • Writer.