The Mastermind


intj-A / intj-T

The Mastermind

INTJ Enneagram

When you study your personality type and the nine INTJ Enneagram types that may fit it, you have a fantastic opportunity to learn more about yourself.

I. The overview of INTJ Enneagram

While the MBTI describes how our minds operate and how information is processed, the Enneagram reveals your childhood wounds, anxieties, and fundamental desires.

As an INTJ, we prefer to analyze abstract knowledge over tangible information (this is what distinguishes us as a N). We favor logic and efficacy over ideals and emotional sentiments. We derive our energy from the inner world of thoughts and ideas (introversion) and respond to our environment in an ordered, planned, and determined manner (Judging).

Even while INTJs share similar brain wiring, this does not imply that they think about everything in the same manner. Some INTJs are meticulous workaholics, while others are reclusive daydreamers who spend their days buried in their ideas and creative musings. The Enneagram types heavily influence the INTJ personality. The INTJ Enneagram depicts nine possible personality types and their intricate interrelationships. These kinds describe our fundamental motivations, basic fears, limitations, and strengths.

Note: The INTJ personality type is frequently related with the enneagram categories listed below:

  • INTJ Enneagram Type 1;

  • INTJ Enneagram Type 5.

II. The INTJ Enneagram with 9 Types

1. INTJ Enneagram type 1

Type 1 INTJs are intensely driven by their tertiary introverted feelings, drawing on the values and principles they have absorbed to conceive personal and external goals (Type 1 with a 9 wing: 66 percent ; Type 1 with a 2 wing: 34 percent ).

Order, foresight, and righteous resolve characterize INTJ Enneagram type 1 persons. They utilize their intuition to create a picture of a near-future paradise, but they balance that vision with their rational thinking side.

The inner critical voice that berates the INTJ Enneagram type 1 for every small error or lack in judgment is the INTJ Enneagram type 1's problem. It also highlights the flaws and shortcomings of others. This inner voice is frequently the result of a childhood in which they felt obligated to take on a lot of responsibility or even to be the "grown-ups" in their families.

They have a life-long goal of living for a greater purpose — a notion of how the world "should" be or how they "should" be. INTJ Ones may appear to be more pragmatic and proactive than the average INTJ. This is because productivity and a cool head are highly valued by Ones.

Their introverted intuition helps them to continuously build a picture of how they and the world around them may function in the most virtuous way possible. They then apply their supplementary extroverted reasoning to come closer to these values.

The INTJ Enneagram type 1 has unusually high expectations for themselves and others since they are continuously striving for self-improvement. They are more likely to be perfectionists than type 5s because they want to see their precise ideas fulfilled, and they rely largely on their extroverted thinking to make those goals a reality.

This personality type feels that their self-worth is based on their personal integrity. They are continuously shifting away from sentiments of moral virtuousness and toward feelings of depravity.

The type 1 INTJ is most comparable to the ISTJ in their desire to uphold themselves and their community in a respectable manner.

2. INTJ Enneagram type 2

INTJ Enneagram type 2 is a less common enneagram type among INTJs. People with the INTJ Enneagram type 2 use their insight and fast thinking to aid others. They offer advise, intervene when there is a problem, and attempt to fix it. These INTJs are motivated by a sense of kindness and a desire to assist others in practical, effective ways.

Because Twos belong to the enneagram's Shame/Heart triangle, they suffer with emotions of worthlessness. When they take time for themselves, they feel uneasy, as if they would lose the love of those they care about. On the other hand, they may feel pride because they believe others rely on them or cannot function without their assistance.

As Twos become healthier and more mature, they learn to set healthy boundaries and take care of themselves. They become more joyful, humble, and relaxed. They no longer feel like they have to earn love, because they know that they are valuable for who they are  – not just what they do. With this pressure off their shoulders, they can delve more into their intuition and their feelings. They learn who they are outside of the expectations of others. They develop a more individualistic sense of power and purpose.

3. INTJ Enneagram type 3

INTJ Enneagram type 3 persons are more action-oriented than most INTJs since they are strategic and determined. They have an insatiable desire for success and greatness, and they despise mediocrity and failure more than anything else.

They are afraid that if they do not achieve or succeed, they would be unlovable or useless. They utilize their intuition and reasoning to create objectives and then proceed through life strategically to ensure those goals are met. They have an intuitive understanding of how to get things done, develop practical strategies, and attain the goals they set for themselves.

On the surface, INTJ Enneagram type 2 persons may appear materialistic. Having the perfect house, car, or clothing might be quite essential to them. Other INTJ Threes may be more concerned with having the proper degree, having the right books on the shelf, or enjoying the perfect relationship. They are concerned that if they do not have these signs of accomplishment, they would be perceived as failures or hollow on the inside.

4. INTJ Enneagram type 4

INTJ Enneagram type 4 persons typically felt like outcasts in their homes as children. They commonly express their want to know if they were adopted since they felt so different from everyone else. Their dreams frequently include finally being seen and understood by someone who will accept them for who they are.

Fours belong to the enneagram's Shame/Heart triad. Fours, on the other hand, dive into their shame, as opposed to Twos, who strive to cover their guilt by obtaining affection. They direct their rage towards themselves, aiming to confront their shortcomings head-on. It's virtually hard for them to ignore their profound sentiments, and they may even develop behaviors that elicit powerful emotions with the aim of getting closer to discovering their actual identity.

5. INTJ Enneagram type 5

A sizable percentage of INTJs selected 5 as their Enneagram type (Type 5 with a 4 wing: 43 percent; Type 5 with a 6 wing: 57 percent ). Though this personality type is most closely associated with the introverted thinking function, the INTJ's mix of introverted intuition and extroverted thinking mirrors the introverted thinker's quest for a thorough logical knowledge of the world around him or her. As a result, fives are among the most prevalent INTJ Enneagrams.

They want to know how the world works in every manner conceivable. They dive deeply into knowledge, believing that with enough information in their heads, they would be able to feel competent and ready to face the world. Knowledge is power for the INTJ Five. However, the knowledge they get from the outside world is never enough. They are fascinated with intellectual systems and believe that they are above sentimentality or feelings.

Type 5 INTJs depend largely on their dominant function, introverted intuition, preferring to wait until they have a thorough grasp of a situation before acting. Invariably, these INTJs are voracious independent researchers. They take everything they read or hear with a grain of salt, including the actual reality that surrounds them, until they have independently examined it from every available viewpoint.

This personality type feels that their self-worth is based on their competence and abilities. They are continuously shifting between sentiments of helplessness and ineptitude to feelings of comprehension and capacity.

The type 5 INTJ is most comparable to the INTP, who shares their drive to analyze the world logically from every possible viewpoint.

6. INTJ Enneagram type 6

The INTJ Enneagram type 6 possesses vivid, far-reaching visions of the future and all possible calamities. The INTJ Six is always battling for survival and feels that by being strategic, perceptive, and careful, they will be able to avoid obstacles and all kinds of terrors. Some INTJ 6s are phobic, trying everything they can to protect themselves from their worries or to build a sense of security around them.

Other 6s are contra-phobic, which means they confront their anxieties despite their uneasiness, challenging anybody to oppose or battle them. They tend to be more vocal and confrontational.

The INTJ 6 seeks to surround oneself with an orderly, regulated framework that helps them feel comfortable. They expect others to be structured and ordered as well. This sense of order makes them feel comfortable, and they will seek to the authority they've properly examined and verified for guidance. If they cannot locate an authoritative figure, they will be stubbornly independent, suspicious of anybody who attempts to earn their devotion.

7. INTJ Enneagram type 7

People with the INTJ Enneagram type 7 exude optimism and a visionary desire for the future. They recognize the value in every moment and regard life as a gift to be savored. They are excitable, inventive, and fun, and they have a charming sense of humor while downplaying any downsides in their lives.

This enneatype's INTJs are more in touch with their weaker Sensing side than other INTJs. They desire adventure, live on the spur of the moment, and seek sensory delights. They can, however, become hedonistic, dispersed, and excessive if they become overly focused on earning pleasure and excitement. Their amazing ideas and intuitions may never come to fulfillment since they struggle to focus on one subject at a time at an ordinary or unhealthy level.

8. INTJ Enneagram type 8

Eights belong to the enneagram's Gut/Instinct triad. This indicates that they have underlying anger issues. While the Sevens try to divert their attention away from their fury and anguish, the Eights embrace and express their rage. They are straightforward, fearless, and unafraid of conflict.

They can become explosive and rebellious when threatened or micro-managed. They believe that any institution that attempts to govern them is untrustworthy. They desire to assert their independence, which may include dropping out of school if the teachers are too severe, starting their own business if they don't want someone else bossing them about, or marrying someone their parents don't like just because they can.

9. INTJ Enneagram type 9

This enneatype of INTJ is typically profoundly perceptive and visionary. They observe things from so many different viewpoints and angles that it might be difficult for them to settle on a single point of view. They strive to maintain their presence tranquil and their manner inviting, which makes them less harsh than some INTJs.

These people have the potential to become some of our time's most profound spiritual seekers. They are usually visionary, imaginative, and profound. They anticipate potential confrontations and have an uncanny ability to detect others' inner anguish or sincerity. The main problem is that Nines frequently "numb" themselves to the world's contradictions and conflicts in order to enjoy inner peace and tranquility. They may cling to proverbs, clichés, or sayings that soothe them when they would be better served by expressing themselves or doing something.