The Giver


enfj-A / enfj-T

The Giver


In this post, we shall compare ENFJ vs INFJ personalities. You may learn more about ENFJ by contrasting ENFJ vs INFJ.

I. ENFJ vs INFJ functions 

There are three preference similarities and one preference difference in the ENFJ VS INFJ relationship. Each personality combination will face its own set of obstacles, regardless of the number of similarities and variances.

1. Similarities ENFJ VS INFJ

  • ENFJ stands for Extraversion (E), Intuition (N), Feeling (F), Judgment (J). 
  • INFJ stands for Introversion (I),  Intuition (N), Feeling (F), Judgment (J). 

Three characteristics are shared by the two personality types. ENFJ vs INFJ people are both Intuitive, Feeling, Judging personalities, which means they process emotions, focus on the big picture, and stick to routines.

1.1 Judging-Judging

Because they both appreciate organization, they are likely to create a nice and orderly household with defined rules and standards, which will be preferred by both parties.

They are also prone to organize their schedules with each other, with little or no concern for last-minute alterations.

They will also value their partner's capacity to keep up with and remain on top of the demands of daily life.

1.2 Intuition-Intuition

Both ENFJ vs INFJ will normally discover a certain appeal to one other since they both love discussing large concepts, possibilities, and global challenges.
This is especially true if they share similar perspectives on some matters; they will discover chemistry with one another.

1.3 Feeling-Feeling

Both will most likely like one other's expressiveness and genuine affection.
Both Feeling types are prone to recognizing and considering their partner's needs and attempting to satisfy them. As a result, the partnership is generally quite harmonious.

2. Differences ENFJ VS INFJ

These two personality types have the same dominant and auxiliary functions, but in the opposite order. However, INFJs and ENFJs are still very different since we lead with distinct dominant functions and have different cognitive preferences. As a result, our priorities in life tend to differ.

ENFJ Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

 INFJ Introverted Intuition (Ni)

  • People with the ENFJ personality type spend their attention outside and on other people. They are acutely aware of the needs and motives of others.
  • They also sense potential in others and frequently urge others to flourish.
  • ENFJs have a judgement function (Fe) as their primary function, so they can swiftly analyze the mood of the situation and determine what action to take.

  • INFJs exist in a world of ideas and theories. Internally, we concentrate on our vision and creativity. Our contacts with other people allow us to have a better understanding of human behaviour and attitudes.
  • INFJs have a perceiving function as their primary function (Ni).

ENFJ Introverted Intuition (Ni)

  • ENFJs are less afraid of strangers and show more concern for people than we are. They will approach someone fresh and just chat to them.
  • With Introverted Intuitive, ENFJs assist their Extroverted Feeling. This aspect of their personality assists them in learning and processing the information. They utilize it to connect patterns and look at things from a different angle.

 INFJ Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

  • We employ our extraverted emotion (Fe) as an afterthought because it is our second function as INFJs. It comes second to our instincts.
  • INFJs use Extroverted Feeling to supplement their Introverted Intuition. They use this function the most while making decisions and interacting with others. It assists them in determining how social groupings function and making decisions that fulfill the requirements of all members.

ENFJ Extraverted Sensing (Se)

 INFJ Introverted Thinking (Ti)

  • ENFJs also have their extraverted sensing (Se) as their third function, which is higher than INFJs. 
  • They are usually more in tune with their surroundings and spend more time interacting with the physical world than INFJs. 
  • Thus, they are more comfortable with the outer world and taking action than introverts.
  • Introverted Thinking is the tertiary trait of INFJs. They may feel at ease utilizing this function since it is introverted, similar to their preferred function, Introverted Intuition.
  • INFJs become more analytical, research-minded, and focused on attempting to organize things rationally when they bypass their Extroverted Feeling and enter a "loop" between their two introverted functions.

ENFJ Introverted Thinking (Ti)

 INFJ Extraverted Sensing (Se)

  • Introverted Thinking is the inferior function of an ENFJ. When they are anxious, they tend to be too judgmental of themselves and others.
  • They may begin to use complicated logic to solve issues without consulting others, frequently feeling a compulsive desire to act.
  • ENFJs that use this function in a healthy way may discover that they love tasks that demand analytical reasoning, such as strategy games or working with computers.
  • Extroverted Sensing is another INFJ's inferior function. Stress causes people to become overly focused on external facts. They frequently overindulge in sensory pleasures such as eating, alcohol, shopping, and so on.
  • INFJs who are stressed might acquire a distrustful, antagonistic attitude toward the outside world. When INFJs use this function in a healthy way, they generally love activities that involve sensory engagement, such as horticulture, cuisine, or meditation.

II. ENFJ VS INFJ behavior 

1. ENFJ VS INFJ Workstyle




  • ENFJs will provide structure and motivation while also ensuring that the needs of all individuals are met. Often, ideas are captured on the flipchart, providing everyone the opportunity to contribute.
  • Although introverted, the INFJ has extremely strong beliefs that have been refined through much private contemplation and will express them powerfully, less concerned with self and ego and more concerned with the cause.


  • The ENFJ will take the lead simply because they want to see things through to completion and guarantee that everyone is pleased. They must satisfy their craving for activity as well as their love of people. 
  • INFJs may be compelling leaders because their followers believe in them and want to'sign up,' having a dedication to the cause that borders on evangelical, so people have a crystal clear image of what could be.

Being managed

  • Each ENFJ can benefit from typology as a person inside a company to better understand how he or she chooses to behave in regular professional scenarios.
  • Individuals get a greater understanding of their own preferences and the forces that lead them as they come to comprehend their own preferences and the factors that direct them.
  • It will also become clear that other people's approaches and skills differ significantly. ENFJs are driven by a variety of factors and have varied reactions to change, stress, and difficulties.
  • Every individual has a unique manner of functioning and interacting with others. When working with INFJs, it's critical to keep their timetable in mind. They appreciate routines because they are natural planners. You can see INFJs at their best if you learn how to interact and collaborate with them.

2. ENFJ VS INFJ Conflict



Initial response

  • The ENFJ's understanding of caring and organizational abilities will allow them to perceive all the links between people, pick up on hints, and strive relentlessly to assist solve people’s problems. 
  • The INFJ, who is deep and secretive, will maintain their own counsel. However, they have such firmly held ideas that others may be astonished at how straightforward they may become in defending principles or people they believe require assistance.

Conflict problems

  • The ENFJ is a passionate advocate for people who strives to ensure that people's needs are met. Excellent networkers who pay attention to individuals and are well-liked by their coworkers. 
  • Although the INFJ prefers and will seek harmony, they have strongly held values that have been developed through time, and they will aggressively protect those values if they are violated.

Response style

  • ENFJs are go-getters and leaders. ENFJs might become problem solvers in the moment, believing they have the greatest solution — without pausing to consider alternative options that INFJ may bring up. 
  • INFJs want to procrastinate for as long as possible, mostly because expressing oneself puts them under a lot of strain. INFJs tend to sit on ideas, flesh them out, and then present them all in an orderly manner, such as through writing.

3. ENFJ VS INFJ Interpersonal Skills/ Communication



  • Extraverted feeling (Fe), the major cognitive function of ENFJ, is also the auxiliary function of INFJ. That is, ENFJ connects with the world by intuiting the overall air — similar to reading a room. ENFJs are able to understand and communicate with several people's emotions and states at the same time.
  • The INFJ's versatility permits them to put on "masks" in many contexts, especially social ones. While it exhausts them, it is uncommon that people gain a true grasp of who they are - ENFJs are more likely to succeed in this because of their Fe.
  • ENFJ's primary love language is also quality time, so they are an excellent match for ENFJ. INFJs feel loved when they are with their spouse, giving and receiving attention, and diving deep into a discourse. 

  • INFJs have exceptional listening skills. They will stop what they are doing to listen to their spouse because of their patience, support, and genuine curiosity. 
  • In fact, INFJs spend a lot of time attempting to figure out what others are thinking or feeling. Their whole effort is focused on creating forecasts based on their analyses.
  • INFJs will also ask their partners how they are doing right away. Because of their inquisitive nature, INFJs really want to know what their partner is thinking, feeling, how their day went, and anything else the other person is ready to communicate; fortunately, ENFJs are eager to chat.