The Giver


enfj-A / enfj-T

The Giver


ENFP vs ENFJ is two of the sixteen X personality types. The many similarities and differences between ENFP vs ENFJ personality type frequently perplex people.

I. ENFP vs ENFJ functions 

The ENFP vs ENFJ relationship has three preference similarities and one preference difference. Regardless of the number of similarities and differences, each personality combination will face its own set of challenges. 

1. Similarities ENFP vs ENFJ

  • ENFJ stands for Extraversion (E), Intuition (N), Feeling (F), Judgment (J). 
  • ENFP stands for Extraversion (E), Intuition (N), Feeling (F), and Perception (P). 

Both personality types have three preferences in common. Furthermore, ENFP vs ENFJ both rely on their intuition and have an extroverted focus, which leads them to enjoy social interactions.

1.1 Extroversion-Extroversion

Because ENFP vs ENFJ enjoys people, they are likely to participate in a variety of social activities and parties together. They'll probably enjoy each other's energy and zest for life, and they'll have a lot of fun activities and adventures together.

However, because they both enjoy speaking more than listening, they may try to compete for air time when conversing with one another. In order to be heard, they may out-talk each other rather than listen.

1.2 Intuition-Intuition

Because ENFJ and ENFP enjoy debating big ideas, opportunities, and international problems, they are often drawn to each other. This is especially true if they share similar perspectives on certain issues; they will find chemistry with one another.

1.3 Feeling-Feeling

Both ENFP vs ENFJ are drawn to each other's warmth, awareness, and consideration for their needs.

Plus, both ENFP vs ENFJ will most likely enjoy each other's expressiveness and natural affection.

2. Differences ENFP vs ENFJ

Despite the fact that they share 3 same preferences, there are certain differences between the two personality types in their cognitive functions (Functional Stack):

ENFP Introverted Sensing (Si)

 ENFJ Introverted Thinking (Ti)

  • ENFPs have a soft place for their memories and may have flashbacks after a stressful event, such as a breakup, layoff, or burial.
  • They have a tendency to dwell on "better times" in the past and compare them to their current position.
  • ENFPs can also relieve tension by re-watching episodes of their favorite childhood shows and listening to their favorite songs and albums.
  • In a nutshell, an ENFP who is stressed will become trapped in the past.

  • ENFJs, while outwardly sympathetic and sensitive to others, have an internal logical framework that they consult during times of stress. They may nitpick specifics of a situation and become fixated on little flaws. 
  • ENFJs may also turn to hobbies that demand logical thinking, such as puzzles and trivia, to help them settle their emotions and analyze their sentiments before re-entering the world in a calm, serene manner.

ENFP Extraverted Intuition (Ne)

  • ENFPs live for ideas. They get ideas from extended chats with friends, people on the street, and Internet acquaintances—anywhere and everywhere. 
  • Their principal function, extraverted intuition (Ne), permits them to envision all of the future possibilities and strategies to realize them. 
  • They frequently have a diverse variety of interests and inspire others with their contagious spirit wherever they decide to visit next. ENFPs are very individualistic and proud of their differences as a result of this.

 ENFJ Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

  • ENFJs thrive on assisting others and giving back to their community. They have a great degree of empathy and people skills, allowing them to negotiate any scenario with elegance and ease. 
  • Their principal function, extraverted feeling (Fe), enables them to examine everyone's point of view and reach an agreement that respects and honors each person's sentiments toward a solution. 
  • Their purpose is to preserve the peace and harmony between groups.

ENFP Introverted Feeling (Fi)

 ENFJ Introverted Intuition (Ni)

  • ENFPs have a strong sense of self and place a high importance on authenticity in themselves and others. They despise those who are "false" in order to appeal to others, and they gain their inner circle via years of close relationship.
  • ENFPs will continuously question their ideals and make judgments based on them, as well as their emotions. Their supplementary introverted emotion (Fi) frequently manifests itself in their distinctive dress sense, tastes in music, style of living, and bestmates.
  • ENFJs have auxiliary introverted intuition (Ni), which allows them to perceive the larger picture and present a vision for their ideal future. This might include beginning a humanitarian initiative, pursuing charitable causes, or simply becoming friendlier.
    ENFJs have an uncannily accurate "gut sense" about circumstances and how they should unfold. For example, they may be able to detect when their partner is losing interest or when a relationship is best left platonic—even when everything appears to be going well.

ENFP Extraverted Thinking (Te)

 ENFJ Extraverted Sensing (Se)

  • ENFPs, as free-spirited and carefree as they look, are methodical in their approach to work and cherish a sense of discipline. 
  • This might be a regular physical program, scheduled meditation, or a series of journaling questions to help them organize their ideas. 
  • Despite being feelers, they appreciate facts and productivity and may be swayed by convincing argument. 
  • ENFPs also appreciate experimenting with methods to simplify their daily routine in order to perform optimally.
  • ENFPs have a strong sense of self and place a high importance on authenticity in themselves and others. They despise those who are "false" in order to appeal to others, and they gain their inner circle via years of close relationship.
  • ENFPs will continuously question their ideals and make judgments based on them, as well as their emotions. Their supplementary introverted emotion (Fi) frequently manifests itself in their distinctive dress sense, tastes in music, style of living, and bestmates.

II. ENFP vs ENFJ behavior 

1. ENFP vs ENFJ Workstyle




  • ENFPs have a warm, genuine interest in others; they can'read' people well and will function as a catalyst for new projects and innovative problem-solving. They will add a radical viewpoint to the squad.
  • ENFJs will give structure and drive while ensuring that all persons' needs are satisfied. They routinely document ideas on the flipchart, allowing everyone to contribute.


  • ENFPs are so perceptive and people-oriented that they will be compassionate leaders who take a real interest in others in their care. They may not be very excellent at delivering unpleasant news or developing systems and processes. 
  • The ENFJ will take the initiative simply because they want to see things through to completion and ensure that everyone is happy. They must fulfill both their need for action and their love of others.

Being Managed

  • ENFPs dislike bureaucracy, regulations, and norms, and they will argue their case long and eloquently. They are swift and nimble, requiring flexibility and operating in brief amounts of activity.
  • The ENFJ is naturally service-oriented and will seek to channel this energy into practical results, particularly those that benefit people. They require clarity, true purpose, a valuable outcome, and closure.

2. ENFP vs ENFJ Conflict



Initial response

  • Because the ENFP dislikes disagreement, he or she will be at the center of the activity, promoting peace and understanding. People who are warm, loving, and unnervingly impulsive would enjoy and trust the ENFP.
  • The ENFJ's understanding, caring, and organizing talents will enable them to perceive all the linkages between people, pick up on clues, and work tirelessly to aid in the resolution of people problems.

Conflict problems

  • ENFPs are naturally sympathetic people who dislike witnessing anything that they regard to be unfair or unjust. However, rather of fighting, their method is to bring everything together in harmony.
  • The ENFJ is a passionate advocate for people who works hard to meet people's needs. Excellent networkers who are well-liked by their employees and pay attention to individuals.

Response style

  • Because the ENFP is at ease with emotions, they are adept at utilizing emotional language and being tactile, and others are more likely to open up to them, allowing conflict to be addressed peacefully.
  • The ENFJ is naturally service-oriented and will seek to channel this energy into practical results, particularly those that benefit people. They require clarity, true significance, a desirable outcome, and closure.

3. ENFP vs ENFJ Interpersonal Skills/ Communication



  • Individuals with the ENFP personality type wear their hearts on their sleeves. The ENFP personality type will not shy away from communicating their emotions with others. They openly express their feelings. 
  • The ENFP personality type is the buddy that will happily show their love for you! In fact, the ENFP personality is notorious for extravagant shows of devotion in partnerships.
  • The ENFJ individual is preoccupied with the feelings of others. They are constantly drawing attention to the feelings of others around them. 
  • When they are in a group, they may be more concerned about how everybody is suffering. This enables them to better attend to the needs of others. 
  • However, because the ENFJ person is preoccupied with other people's feelings, they find it difficult to express their own. 
  • In contrast to the more open and expressive ENFP, they tend to keep their ideas and feelings to themselves.
  • ENFPs are free-spirited individuals with an overflowing creative imagination. They have strong principles and values, but because they are outstanding communicators, they are insightful and always willing to hear what others have to say. This is what their "P" represents.
  • Despite being a little more reserved and tactical than ENFPs, ENFJs enjoy to openly discuss their opinions and points of view on everything.
  • They are also quite judgmental, which causes them to be extremely defensive of their opinions, even to the point of generating a fuss. ENFJs are not conflicted individuals, yet hearing someone out does not imply endorsing their point of view. It's what their letter "J" stands for.